Saturday, September 28

A brief guide to studying geology

If you are fascinated by natural phenomena happening around you and are in awe of the diverse terrains and landscapes of Earth, a degree in geology might be the best option for you. This subject broadly encompasses the composition of and changes in the surface of Earth. It gives you insights into the occurrence and cycles of various minerals and allows you to find novel applications for them. If you are still confused about taking up this subject, here is a handy guide that will answer most of your questions and clarify your doubts. Read on to know more. Who should study geology? 

  • People with an inherent interest in the occurrence and utilization of natural resources and landscapes should take up geology in college.
  • People with a curious bent of mind and a strong desire to unravel the mysteries of nature will find this field especially interesting and in line with their interests. It will allow them to satiate their curiosity and give them new insights about the world around us.
  • People who wish to learn beyond the classroom should consider this field. It allows you to go on fieldwork and work outdoors for many days or weeks.
  • People who wish to make a positive impact on society should take up this field because they will deal with many important issues like plate tectonics, earthquakes, and climate change.

What is the coursework like? In geology, pedagogy is a blend of theory and practical assignments. While there will be regular lectures in a classroom setting, you will also get ample opportunity to work on the field. Fieldwork forms a significant portion of this coursework and allows you to work in close association with many other fields like geography, ecology, and evolutionary biology. The final assessment will be based on written examination and project reports of practical assignments. What contributions can geologists make to society? Geologists address some of the most pressing concerns of the modern world such as climate change, natural disasters, and the impact of human activities on the environment. Thus, they play a vital role in addressing some critical issues that face humanity. Geologists can choose an allied field for their specialization like earth sciences, environmental sciences, marine sciences, and applied geology among others. With these specific qualifications, it is possible to work with reputed environmental agencies and government bodies. Will there be promising prospects after this degree? Plenty of jobs are available for geology majors because the environment is in dire need of remedial measures. Various government and private organizations require trained geologists for their projects. In light of rapid environmental deterioration and a consequent rise in the frequency of natural disasters, this demand is expected to increase in the future. If you have a keen desire to bring about a positive change in the world and find a solution to pressing environmental problems, a degree in geology is a must for you. This field offers unlimited scope in terms of career progression and allows you to work in close contact with other fields.