People often think that dry hair is a curse, and for the most part, it is right to believe that. Pharmacies have aisles full of hair products made specifically for dry hair. However, hardly anyone talks about the opposite end of the spectrum, oily hair. Having oily hair is a cause for worry as it can turn your hair limp, unpleasant, flat, and lifeless. If you’re dealing with the problem of oily hair, you are probably on the lookout for some solutions. Here are some ways in which you can manage oily hair: Shower once a day Your hair loses its naturals oils when you wash it multiple times in a day. The oil glands present in the scalp get tricked into increasing oil production due to over-washing. It is preferable to shower in the morning as it maintains freshness and bounce in your hair. While applying shampoo, make sure to let it sit for some time. This step will allow it to penetrate the oil in your scalp. Wash your hair thoroughly. Hair experts recommend washing your hair at an interval of two or three days to keep the oiliness in check. Shrink the pores If you have excessively oily hair, consider using natural acids and astringents that are capable of slowing down the sebum production. Some natural options suggested by experts to fight oily hair include using vinegar or lemon juice to remove oil from the hair. Mouthwash is an astringent capable of tightening the skin and shrinking pores. Mix equal quantities of mouthwash and witch hazel in a small container. Dab the solution on your scalp using a cotton swab. It is important to note that astringents work best when applied after you’ve shampooed and rinsed your hair. Use cool air to blow-dry your hair Use a towel to dry your hair after washing it. Heat boosts the production of sebum in the sebaceous glands. Hence, it is advisable to use cool air bursts to style your hair or set it. Applying heat to straighten your hair can also increase the production of oil. Additionally, if you touch your hair too much while it is straightened, it can lead to your hair becoming oily as our fingers produce a lot of oil through the day. It is also recommended to brush your hair only when needed as frequent brushing can lead to the redistribution of oil through the scalp. Change your hairstyle Some hairstyles like ponytails and chignons are intended to appear slick. Therefore, if you have oily hair, you can use these hairstyles. You can also visit a stylist and consider experimenting with your hair. If nothing else works, you can think about trying out a perm. Naturally curly or permed hair does not get oily quickly as the hair does not rest close to the scalp. So, if you’re thinking of trying out a new hairstyle, you can think of embracing curls.